Adepticon Season Begins


Another Adepticon is coming up and that means it is time to get into nitty gritty time of team tournament preparation (at least if you are hoping to do well).

It is always a grand time thinking up a new army builds and hanging out with friends play testing. It is always fun starting to assemble models and coming up with display base ideas and shirt designs.

Then the work of painting comes. The task itself is fun. But time frames exist and tasks need done by certain points to be able to be ready for the tournament and be able to enjoy the convention. That leads me to my current painting schedule. My 1000 points of models are to be done by the end of December. That sounds like a lot of time.

When I project what that actually means, it changes to 2 models a week. Not the end of the world, but after the first 2 models, each one is taking about 6-7 hours and the bases are already done. So based upon this information, I will be painting for at least 2 hours every day until Thanksgiving. Hopefully, I figure out how to speed up the painting, but I'm not holding out hope.

So here's to another Adepticon. Let your paint flow well.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
