Tony Ork - Posted:07/04/2011 Tony Ork


On the way back from Adepticon 2010, Thistle challenged me with entering my ork warboss into the Rogue Daemon 2011 contest at Adepticon 2011. The challenge was to get me to work on my extreme ork army which had completely stopped due to boredom. The intended goal failed but I did finish the model in time to enter it.

Since the magnetized big shoota fell off the pictures in the Crystal Brush contest was only from the front, go see it here. After it was entered and on display, I realized that I should have put the graffiti on the other side of the wall. Overall he was fun to paint and build. The war boss received his name as a tweak to Tony Hawk. The skateboard design is even a tweak to a Birdhouse Skateboards design.

I actually have some work in progress pictures of the model in its green state. The skateboard is some cut plasicard as the deck, some spare spure as the trucks, paper clip axles and craft beads as the wheels. The attack squig is from the grot herder hand cut cut off and then a large green stuff patch to fill in the hair.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
