Adepticon 2011 Wrap Up


Another spring came to Chicago land and another invasion of miniature gamers descended upon the Westin in Lombard for Adepticon 2011. My weekend started on Wednesday with the initial setup of the 40K hall. This year the great improvement to set up was large bolts of felt and the use of binder clips instead of taping the entire table. All of the pictures from empty hall to terrain being on tables can be found in the setup gallery.

Thursday was the set up of the fantasy hall and a couple of learning games of Epic:Armageddon with Anton and Nat. Thanks guys for getting me ready for Saturday's tournament.

As Friday morning rolled around, I once again helped with the appearance judging of the 40K Championships. This year it was much easier to focus, since I wasn't suffering from 4 days not enough sleep. There were a lot of very nice armies including Mad Mork (Mad Max as imagined with 40K orks). I was also able to spend a good amount of time looking at the Crystal Brush entries. It was fun looking at the various vendors wares and armies on display through out the day.

Saturday I was able to spend some time looking at the various 40K Team Tournament armies. I was also drafted into doing some appearance scoring in the morning. After 3 years of not playing in any event, I actually played in a tournament on Saturday. My third through fifth games of Epic: Armageddon went fairly well. In the tournament I had 0 wins, 1 massive loss and 2 draws which was pretty good for playing space marines with little actual experience in the game. In the end I tied with 2 others for best sportsman award. After bitz trading, I then spent the early portions of Sunday morning help move terrain for the final 8 players of the 40K Championships.

Sunday I was able to relax until it came time to start the tear down. With the improved table setup, having a couple of extra bins and a lot of extra hands helping tear down of the terrain went very quickly. After the hall was cleaned up a good dinner at Harry Carry's, I then headed up to Hank's suite to help him celebrate his 40th birthday. Hanging out with Hank and Team Sweden was great fun.

Another great year in the past on to looking toward next year's 10 year anniversary. For a complete look at all of my photos, including ones from the terrain builds at Capital City Games, head over to the Adepticon 2011 event gallery.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
