3 Harliquins - Posted:02/24/2008 3 Harliquins


A set of 3 harlequin models done up for a commission.

The harlequins were a nice reprieve from the Space Marines that I have currently sworn off. What really excited me on this commission was that I could use bright colors as I wanted, without it looking out of place.

The Death Jester was just a standard black paint job, but it gave me my first taste of doing the checker pattern. I was amazed at how simple it is to paint the checkers, as long as I could lay out the initial grid correctly.

The Shadow Seer was the most fun of the 3 models, since it was full of bright colors.I couldn't recreate the coppery color that the sample picture contained, but our client was okay with me taking my own creative liberties for the pipes on its back. The checkers on this one were the most difficult to lay out due to how close the legs and flowing cloth were together.

The Troupe Master, I had to go out on a limb on the paint job due to two reasons:
1. I fully assembled the model before I started painting.
2. It was hard to find sample paint jobs of this model painted in a manner
that I knew I could recreate. Since I screwed up and pre-assembled the model, the coat received a simple 2 color liner. The other exciting thing from my point of view was that the pieces of rubble that the models are one are part of the actual cast, which made the basing simple but nice to look at.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
