Chloe the Mounted Bard of Alahan - Posted:08/11/2007 Chloe the Mounted Bard of Alahan


A piece done for fun after staring at me from the painting desk for over 2 years. An overall en-joyful piece to paint from Rackham Studios

The model was painted in 3 separate pieces, horse, rider and base.

I began with painting the horse. My first attempt at coloring the horse, ended with correct highlights but a very orange horse. As can be seen, I did go back and repainted the horse and decided that it needed white spots. Unfortunately an orange spot missed the repainting. :( The armor was next and was quite bright until it received 3 glaze coats of VMC Royal Blue. The filigree was difficult but easier than expected.

The rider, oh the rider, was a interesting model. My first problem was the face is very flat and lacks definition. I fought with just that section for 1 hour and then finally called it acceptable. Not quite what I would like to have it finish up as, but it is what it is. The rest of the rider was easier, but just an odd piece. The filigree on her was more difficult than the horse due to the tighter confines.

Though overall plain the base was more interesting than my standard affair. The larger rocks are randomly broken off pieces of cork. As a last minute thought, I added the name to the base sides, because I felt like it.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
