Inquistor Librarian - Posted:03/29/2007 Inquistor Librarian


This imposing Librarian was painted as a commission piece. This is the first model that I have used metallic paints on in a long time. Overall, I'm happy with how the conversion and paint job turned out.

This is the description of what the model was to look like after many emails back and forth, obviously names have been removed to protect client's privacy.

The right shoulder pad can be filed down and have DH heraldry added. 
> I got a little confused to with the lefts and rights, but yeah, 
> Just a summary of what I'm proposing for your model: 
> Terminator Chaplin model, using GK Terminator left arm (which has SB), 
> the right arm will have the SB removed and a GK Halberd in its place. 
> The skull helm will be removed and a open helmed SM head be put in its 
> place, the head will get cabling and possibly a hood like the SM > librarians. 
> that sounds like what I'm talking about. The right shoulder plate has a 
> large skull and wings, btw, were you planning on replacing that with the 
> DH heraldry?

I didn't know if the model looked better with or without the shoulder shield, so I sent it without the shield attached, but the shield was included.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
