Team Checkmate Hobbies Grey Knight 1000 Point Army - Posted:04/13/2006 Team Checkmate Hobbies Grey Knight 1000 Point Army


This is Shrub's 1000 Point Grey Knight Army that was part of Team Checkmate Hobbies Best Team Appearance Army at Adepticon 2006.

Team Checkmate Hobbies put together a four man team that would each paint their own 1000 point armies for the national Adepticon 4 man team tournament. The overall goal was to win the Best Team Appearance award with 4 1000 point armies each painted by thier individual owners. This is Shrub's 17 model 1000 point army that took about 275 hours of work, but it was well worth it. Team Checkmate Hobbies achieved their goal and won the Best Team Appearance Award.

Since each team needed 4 objective markers, we themed each one towards our armies. The one for the Grey Knights was a Blue Horror dead from a Grey Knight Halbard.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
