Haemaculi - Posted:09/27/2005 Haemaculi


This little meany is 1 of 3 that are part of a commission work. Finished in mid-June between shrub's Adepticon 2006 army painting.

Going for a "darker" feeling, I primed in black and tried to use darker colors. The "skirt" was build up with VGC Dark Green working up to a VGC Dead Flesh followed up by a wash of VGC Camouflage Green. The flesh was built up via VGC Dwarf Skin to VGC Elf Skintone. Much to my annoyance, I failed to strip off the original primer that was on the figure before working on it. The original primer was a bit furry and so the "skirt" and the fellow's flesh is rougher than I like. I was lucky that his arms didn't gain the furry primer which allowed the NMM to lay down better. I did try to add a glass container (which barely shows in the picture) on the Homaculi's right arm. Whatever nefarious solution it c ontains, sort of looks like it has been partially used. For a darker figure he ended up with a lot of brightly colored gems. The base is unfinished since the owner is currently unsure how his army will be based. So like college math courses the solution is left up to you. Overall, I am happy with how it turned out and hope that I have as much fun and success with the other 2 that are part of the commission.

For some reason while painting this one, and even after it was finished something is bothering me. The general idea behind the female with the male head, was initially a vinyl body suit, but the dead flesh and the need to tie it back to the rest of the army's green kept that from being an overriding theme. I attempted to put in a liquid within the center container of the gun, but it didn't come out all that well.

This one was more of a rush job than the other 2. It was still a nice break from the current army I'm working on, but the quality feels a little lacking.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
