Storm Trooper Squad 034 - Posted:05/30/2005 Storm Trooper Squad 034


This Inquisitorial Storm Trooper squad was my entry in the Adepticon 2005 Rogue Demon contest. Much to my surprise, they succeeded in winning a bronze demon.

They were painted as the start of my radical daemon hunter force. As such, I wanted a sort of gritty look (for me at least). The plan is to have the army marching across a muddy wasteland.

The color scheme is a classic military cameo done with just 3 colors per “color.” The more striking feature is the NMM for the entire gun and backpacks. The glasses actually have a bit to much highlight for the environment, but get the idea across.

The other unique feature is that the barrels on the meltaguns are not drilled. Instead I used the 2D tunnel effect on top of the usual NMM.

Of course the award in question.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
