Jenova - Posted:05/30/2005 Jenova


A lovely little miniature by Hasslefree Miniatures.

Jenova was painted up for jwb on the Jenova Project Forum in the mini exchange that was organized there. She was finished in April '05. Since Thistle teased me out of doing my usual purple or pink, I did her armor in green. To provide a little contrast/accent I did up part of her arm guard in yellow. Per my usual, I did NMM on her sword. The hardest thing was figuring out how to paint up the bonnet of doom. Unfortunately when I mounted her on the Epicast base, I had a glue mishap that required a little more base painting. To add to the basing mishaps... she broke off her base in transit to jwb. But he says that it was an easy fix, and its the only miniature in his display case that he didn't paint *happy dance*.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
