Brazen Sons Test Model - Posted:05/30/2005 Brazen Sons Test Model


This model is a test model for my radical daemon hunter force with space marine allies. It was painted in December 2004/January 2005.

The color scheme was my own invention based on the codex standards presented in White Dwarf. I wanted a bright-ish looking color scheme that was different than what most people field. Also knowing that when taken to a tournament, the display base was going to be a muddy wasteland, required me to muddy him up a bit. Though I normally had painted over a white primer, this was to be a darker force so black primer was used. This caused difficulty laying down the initial base coat of orange. Once decided to skip a solid base coat, the highlighting up to a reddish-yellow covered a lot of the primer showing through. Another benefit of the color scheme was that it limited the amount of NMM silver. The NMM gold did not turn out and looks mostly like highlighted yellow. The base was done by pushing around green stuff until it looked like he had stepping through sticky mud (part of a boot print is behind him). It was then painted up with a progression of VGC Charred Brown, Sombre Grey, and Earth adding some to his boots and base of his armor.

This article was originally posted on Thistle & Shrub Studios
