About Us

We are three guys who paint miniatures for fun, located in Central Illinois (not close to Chicago). We normally work on Games Workshop models, but we do venture out into other miniatures at times.

Studio Tour

The studio itself is an attachment to Thistle’s garage. The main features of the studio is the counter top that are Thistle’s and Shrub’s work spaces and the full sized table for gaming and even more painting.


Former member of Thistle & Shrub Studio's during 2005-2007 before he headed off to college.


Chris T. aka Rodney like many seasoned gamers began playing D & D. I still have my first painted model from back around 1983. Although I began to improve my interests and job took me elsewhere and models sat for a number of years until I found a couple people playing Warhammer 40k at a local gaming store in 1996. I then started buying more models but didn’t start painting again until 1998 when the 3rd edition 40k rulebook came out. I met Thistle and Shrub through my gaming. I did some commissioned model painting for a couple years on my own. In 2006 I was invited to join Thistle & Shrub Studios.


A. Brown, aka shrub, has been miniature painting since fall of 2003 with his introduction to Warhammer 40k at FlatCon. While playing in the Adeptus Flatlandicus League in the winter of 2003 Shrub met Thistle and we learned that we each wished to push our painting abilities. Shrub’s style tends to be bright and sort of cartoony. He preferres to paint metallics in the Non-metallic metal (NMM) style, but he has recently (winter 2006) purchased some metallic paints and will use them from time to time.

Shrub’s Cool Mini or Not gallery.


Joe Adams, aka. Thistle, has been a gamer since he was in 6th grade playing D & D. By Junior College he switched to Magic the Gathering. It wasn’t until he transferred to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale that he was introduced to the addicting world of miniature gaming and painting. In 1997 he picked up his first miniature and was hooked. It wasn’t until the winter of 2003 when Thistle met Shrub at a local Warhammer 40k league that his attentions turned to taking his painting to the next level. Six months later Thistle and Shrub were meeting for paint nights once a week in Thistle’s shop (which was converted into a studio/game room). Thistle & Shrub Studios was formed.

Thistle’s Cool Mini or Not gallery.

Contact Us

The members of Thistle & Shrub Studios can be reached via email

  • Rodney:
  • Shrub:
  • Thistle:

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